The Nurse Assistant training program consists of a total 160 hours of theory and skills training. The theory portion of the class will be completed on-campus. The skills training will be completed both on-campus and at one of our clinical training sites.
Tuition: $2,197.00
Includes: Books, Scrubs, LiveScan, FREE CPR Course, & State Exam fees Fee: Payment plans available. |
Register Here |
The Nurse Assistant training program consists of a total 160 hours of theory and skills training. The theory portion of the class will be conducting on-campus. The skills training will be completed both on-campus and at one of our clinical training sites.
Tuition $2,197.00
Includes: Books, Scrubs, LiveScan, FREE CPR Course & State Exam Fee Fee: Payment plan available. |
Register Here |
The Nurse Assistant training program consists of a total 160 hours of theory and skills training. The theory portion of the class will be conducting on-campus. The skills training will be completed both on-campus and at one of our clinical training sites.
Tuition $2,197.00
Includes: Books, Scrubs, LiveScan, FREE CPR Course & State Exam Fee Fee: Payment plan available. |
Register Here |
The Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) training program consists of a total 175 hours theory and skills training. Upon course completion, students will participate in 24 hours of ride along time on an ambulance for real world experience. The class will be conducted on-campus with scheduled off-site field training days.
Tuition: $1,597.00
Includes: 2-Uniform T-shirts & FREE CPR Course. *Payment plans available. |
Register Here |
The Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) training program consists of a total 175 hours theory and skills training. Upon course completion, students will participate in 24 hours of ride along time on an ambulance for real world experience. The class will be conducted on-campus with scheduled off-site field training days.
Tuition: $1,597.00
Includes: 2-Uniform T-shirts & Free CPR course. *Payment plans available. |
Register Here |
The EMT Refresher course meets the state required hours to re-certify your EMT license. 2024 CLASS SCHEDULE DATES
Course Outline:
*California EMS State Skills Testing |
Register Here |
The CPR AED course trains participants to provide CPR and use an automated external defibrillator (AED) in a safe, timely, and effective manner. Reflects science and education from the American Heart Association Guidelines Update for CPR and Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC).
**Class conducted on-site at your location |
CALL TO SCHEDULE – (760) 232-4050 |
Fee: $450.00 (8 participants)
Topics covered: Adult, Child & Infant CPR and AED use |
Register Here |